Google give us lot of services freely,Google Drive is also free service of  Google Homepage,in this article i write about Google Drive and tips and tricks related to Google Drive. 

Table of Contents

What is Google Drive?

 Gmail has a 25 MB size limit while sending attachments. This isn’t enough when one wants to send a large file(video, high-resolution ad campaign, presentation etc). .Usally,such a size restriction forces people to split the file attachments into multiple emails or use third-party file transfer websites like Dropbox.Unfortunately,third-party file transfer websites come with their own share of problems-most of them are not free, and can have security issues.

   Google Drive is your own hard drive on the Google Cloud. If you have Gmail account, Google by default gives you 5GB of free storage space on Google Drive. In case 5GB is not enough, it is possible to buy even more storage space. Google Drive, Google+ photos,Gmail,give you 15GB storage space for free. Using Google Drive you can not only back up all your files in case of loss, but also transfer them to your colleagues or friends. Google Drive allows you to upload complete folder or specific files from your computer. It can be accessed at Google Drive and is one of the easiest and most secure methods of transferring files and folder on the internet. The advantage of Google Drive compared to third-party files sharing websites is that Google Drive is completely integrated with all other Google Services, including Gmail and does not require a separate sign-up.

SEE ALSO : What is Blog and What is Google Blogger.

Google Drive Tips and Tricks:

Image via: Google Drive

  Keyboard Shortcuts:

Keyboard shortcuts are the king way of making online work more speedy and easy. Like other services Google Drive also has keyboard shortcuts. You can see these shortcuts by clicking ‘Shift’ and ‘?’ button on Google Drive homepage.For Keyboard shortcut click here.

Google Drive Extension:

By using Save to Google Drive chrome extension you can save web images and webpages on Google Drive by using right click. Due to this you can easily save webpages on Google Drive.

  Attach Huge File With Gmail:

You can send easily photos and files more easily by using Google Drive. You can attach attachment up to 10 GB on Gmail by using Google Drive. If you are not share these files during sending email then Google Drive will notify you to send file.

     File Versions:

You can do up to 100 revisions on Google Drive and you can see it up to 30 days. You can see these changes via file menu>revision history. Due to this you can see preview file and if you don’t need older version then you can delete it and you can use its space to other stuff.

   Default Document Folder:
 You can use Google Drive as default document folder.  For Microsoft Windows user: Right-click your Documents folder and select Properties. Select “Include a folder…” and locate your Google Drive folder. Then highlight Google Drive in the list above, and select “Set save location.” Apply changes, and you’re set.

Mac user: Open Terminal (search for it in Spotlight) and type cd Users/yourusername/GoogleDrive. Hit Enter, then type ln -s ~/Documents /Documents. Hit Enter.

Restore Deleted Files:

If by mistake any file deleted on Google drive then doesn’t be worry, you can easily retrieve deleted file. Just click on online version then select more from left hand side menu, and click on trash then you get your deleted file. By doing right click on file you can restore it again.  

By Sameer

I'm Sameer Bille, a blogger from Mumbai, India. I started MuchTech as a passion.Here at Much Tech I write about Tech Tips,Tricks and how to guide.

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