Google Homepage

“An elegantly organized tour of the Internet, both fun and informative, a rare combination!” a sentence of Mr. Steve Crocker. Now days web is a complex planet with billions of webpages and surfing through such a huge database to find ‘What we want’ is really difficult task and seems to be impossible for human. This was the reason Google born in almost 1996 in Stanford university with a simple and minimalistic homepage, later in 1998 published to world. Google is a big search engine which surf the internet and bring it in indexed format.

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Basic theme of Google is to provide better quality search results to world and to ease the task of surfing through internet. It is built ‘To help people find what they want while surfing and make there task more easy and helpful’. Larry Page and Sergey Brin are the founder of Google homepage; who was the student when they put forward there idea of building worlds best search engine.

Initially Google crawlers was slow and as days gone there servers and search boats becoming really fast as well as smart to find out duplicate content over billions of webpages. Google homepages is the most happening place across the web where millions of visitors visits to quench there thirst of surfing and to access the web. Today Google homepage receives billions of search query every day and bring most relevant search results.

How Google was started?

Google homepage was born in 1996 in the mind of duo named as Larry Page and Sergey Brin, as in 1996 all search engines was deadly slow to deliver quality and relevant search results. So this pair of students started thinking to build a perfect algorhythm which will be able to fetch perfect web search results in fraction of seconds as there research project in Standford university. That was the first instant when Google was started. Initially it was named as ‘Backrub’ because this search engine was using backlinks to calculate the importance of a website over other. But in 1998 it is renamed as ‘Google’ which was basically a misspelling of word Googol.

Larry Page relate all websites and webpages to scholarly articles and books. As scholarly articles indexed with its importance over the discussed topic and with the most valuable refences from others, Google rank the website in somewhat similar manner. Both of them put forward an term called as ‘Pagerank’ on which Google homepage run and brings relevant search results.

What is mission of Google?

Providing the people what they want on the internet within the fraction of seconds is the only mission of Google. Whenever any visitor of Google homepage type a search query in Google search box Google homepage provide him a very relevant websites index. In early days Google was only bringing index of websites but now days with advanced computing system Google search results provide ‘Real time news, status updates, videos, pdf files, images, blog post, forum discussions’ everything that includes your search query.

How does Google works?

Its not a simple phenomenon to describe to how Google homepage works! Its a complex process and difficult algorythm that brings search results. Google counts the exact keywords on webpage that any Google visitor type in search box then it looks for the long and well organized webpage related to that keyword after which comes important part to rank the website which is known as ‘Backlinks’. The webpage which have more backlinks possess possibility to rank higher in search results. Google also calculate the importance of any webpage with a patented system called as ‘Page-rank’. Page rank system assigns marks to webpages out of 10, more mark more important webpage. For example ‘Facebook Homepage’ have page rank of 10 (out of 10).

Google Homepage

Google built a very simple and minimalistic homepage which gets millions of visitors every day. In May 2011 monthly visitors of Google homepage has been crossed 1 billion for first time and its growing day by day. Homepage of Google provide very useful links in its top navigation bar. It actually a compilation of other best services from Google Inc like ‘YouTube, Gmail, Google Images, Google Maps, News, Google Documents, Google Plus‘ and much more. Google homepage contains only 20 links and a special link at upper right corner of homepage to sign in to its online services.

Middle part of Google homepage holds the most important feature of Google that is Google search box where many people types there search queries to get relevant index of websites matching their search keywords.

iGoogle is something special that helps people to customize homepage of Google and to put more important function on it for that specific user of Google.

Its been 15 years now and Google diversified there business in advertising and cloud computing and also working on building more innovative technology in world like ‘cars without drivers,Google Glasses,Google loon,Google plus bringing human genes online’ etc……

Google have long way to go and to serve humanity with its innovative technology.

SEE ALSO : How To Search Visually With Google Images

Image Via: Internet Archive

By Sameer

I'm Sameer Bille, a blogger from Mumbai, India. I started MuchTech as a passion.Here at Much Tech I write about Tech Tips,Tricks and how to guide.

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