pinterest login

pinterest_loginWhat is Pinterest?

Pinterest login: Pinterest is photo sharing website. Pinterest is not like other photo sharing sites and it is a different kind of social networks, it is the world’s catalog of ideas that inspires users to go out and do that thing.6 years ago in March 2010, the site was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp.The best thing about Pinterest is totally free to use and you need to sign up for use it.

You can upload, save, edit and manage photos and it is known as pins and other content like videos, gif etc through pinboards. You can browse the different pins of other Pinterest users in your feed.You can easily save individual pins to one of your own boards using the “Pin It” button, with pinboards typically ordered by a central topic or theme.You can customize your experience by pinning items, creating boards, and interacting with other members. The end result is that the “pin feed” of each Pinterest user displays unique, personalized results.

You can find content from outside of Pinterest and similarly uploaded to a board via the “Pin It” button or other option provided by the website. You can also use Pinterest to grow your business by creating your business pages or boards on Pinterest.In short, Pinterest is a very good place to share your ideas with other people.

How to Sign Up and Create a Pinterest Account

You have two options to sign up for Pinterest.One with your Facebook account and second with by providing an email address and creating a new Pinterest account.

  1. Firstly, go to and you will find sign up page.
  2. Enter your email address into Email box.email_box
  3. Set the password by entering your password characters into Create a password box.password_box
  4. Click Continue button.click_continue
  5. Set your Username and also enter your age and choose your gender and click on Sign up button.click_Sign_up
  6. Done! you are registered for Pinterest.Here Pinterest will ask you to Like 5 topics for build a custom home feed for you.Click your favorite topics or search for any topic and click Done.click_done

Once you’ve clicked on done your Pinterest account will be ready for use.You will get your feed according to your chosen topics in steps 6. You can follow people, boards, and topics on Pinterest.

How to Sign Up for Pinterest Using Your Facebook Account

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Continue with Facebook button.click_Continue with Faceboook
  3. New Facebook login page pop up will open, enter your Facebook login credential and click login.click_login
  4. Now click on Continue as a buttonClick_Continue_as button
  5. It will access your Facebook profile info and your Pinterest account will set automatically.

Once you created your Pinterest account, you can easily sign in to your Pinterest account by using your Pinterest username and password.

How to Login to Your Pinterest Account

  1. Go to, pinterest_login_page
  2. Enter your email id or phone number which you are used to signing up for Pinterest.enter_emailid_phone_no
  3. Enter Password in Password box.enter_password
  4. Click Log in buttonclick_login_button

How to Login to Your Pinterest Account Using Facebook

  1. Go to,
  2. Click on Continue with Facebook button.hit_continue_with_facebook
  3. It will show you Facebook login pop up page, enter your Facebook login credential and hit enter Log in.
  4. Click Continue as the button.continue_as_sameer
  5. Done! now you are logged into your Pinterest account. Thus you can do pinterest login.

How to Login to Your Pinterest Account Using Google Account

  1. Go to,
  2. Click on login with Google buttonclick_log_in-with_google
  3. New pop up will appear on your computer screen.Enter your email to enter your email box.And password into the password box.
  4. Pinterest will ask for your permission click Allow button.

click_allow_buttonNote: You can login to Pinterest using your Google account if you have Pinterest mobile app.

Pinterest is very popular nowadays and it has huge user database so you can also use Pinterest for your both your personal and business purpose. Hope this guide will help you for pinterest login.

By Sameer

I'm Sameer Bille, a blogger from Mumbai, India. I started MuchTech as a passion.Here at Much Tech I write about Tech Tips,Tricks and how to guide.

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