trace or block your stolen or lost mobile phone using CEIR govt portal

In todays digital world mobile phone is like your primary necessity. The number of mobile users are increasing day by day. More than 800 millions mobile users are in India and it’s incresing rapidly day by day. In day to day life using mobile phone is fun but sometimes we lost our phone or theif stole our mobile phone. Once we lost our phone it’s very difficult to trace or find phone agian. Thief stole your mobile phone and sell it in black market. It’s very hard to find or trace our stolen mobile phones. So telecommunication department of India launced portal to block or trace your lost or stolen mobile phone. Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) portal is fully dedicated to find your lost or stolen mobile phone. Here I am writing about how to trace or block your stolen or lost mobile phone using CEIR govt portal.

What is CEIR (Central Equipment Identity Register)

CEIR is datbase of IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) numbers of handsets which are blacklisted. User can block his/her mobile phone using CEIR portal once his/her mobile phone got stolen or lost. In short, it is govertment portal to block or trace your lost or stolen phones.

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How To Trace Or Block Your Stolen Or Lost Mobile Phone Using CEIR Govt Portal

  1. GO to CEIR portal.
  2. If your phone is lost or stolen then click on “Block Stolen/Lost Mobile”.
  3. Request for blocking lost/stolen mobile form will open.
  4. Here you have to fill up all details mentioned on form.
  5. In device information area, you have to provide mobile number which was use in with lost or stolen phone. If you have dual SIM phone you can provide second mobile number but it’s optional. IMEI numbers are also optional. Device brand is mandatory and device model is optinal. You have to upload soft copy of mobile purchase invoice.
  6. Then in lost information section all fields are mandatory. You have to provide lost place, lost date, state, district ,police station, police complaint number and upload soft copy of police complaint.
  7. Lasr part is about mobile owner personal information. Here also all fields are mandatory  except email id. Here you have to provide mobile phone owner name, address, identity proof soft copy (such as Aadhhar ID, PAN card, Voter ID, Driving License or other identity ). Provide identity number, email id is optional and mobile number for OTP to get OTP.
  8. Click on declaration and submit form
  9. Once you submit all details correctly you will get request id for block your lost or stolen mobile phone. You can use this request id to check status of your request if your phone is blocked or traced. If you get your phone back you can use that request id to unblock your blocked mobile phone.

How to check your reuest status?

  1. On CEIR portal click on “check request status button”.
  2. Enter Request ID and click on Submit button.
  3. It will show you your request status. Either phone is blocked or traced.

How to un-block found mobile?

Once you found your lost or stolen mobile through CEIR portal. You can un-block it very easily.

  1. On CEIR portal click on “Un-Block Found Mobile”  button.
  2. Provide your request id in request id box.
  3. Fill up mobile number which was provided for OTP while blocking.
  4. Provide mobile number for OTP and get OTP.
  5. Click on submit button.
  6. Once verified your mobile phone will be un-blocked and reday to reuse.

Note: You can get your mobile phone IMEI number by dialing *#06# on your mobile phone.

Thus you can trace or block your stolen or lost mobile phone using CEIR govt portal.

By Sameer

I'm Sameer Bille, a blogger from Mumbai, India. I started MuchTech as a passion.Here at Much Tech I write about Tech Tips,Tricks and how to guide.

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