
Facebook Login: Facebook is the great place to connect with your friends and relatives. You can share your photos, memories, videos and you can do more other interesting things on Facebook. You can use Facebook from your mobile phone, tablet,pc/laptop. More than1 billion people are active on Facebook and still you are don’t have the Facebook account then you can easily create your new Facebook account. Handling Facebook account is really very good fun. And you can experience it by logging into your Facebook. So here I am writing about how to login to your Facebook account.facebook_login

Table of Contents

The Easiest Way to Login to Your Facebook Account

  1. Ensure nobody else is logged into Facebook on your PC. To log another person out, click at the upper right of your Facebook homepage page and select Log Out.
  2. Go to www.facebook.com using your web browser.facebook login
  3. At the top right-hand side of the Facebook login page, you will see “Email or Phone” white box. Here you have to enter your email address which is listed on your Facebook account. Similarly, you can use your Facebook username or you can use your mobile phone number. Which already confirmed with your Facebook account. (here I entered my Facebook username).enter_your_email_or_facebook_username_or_phone_number
  4. Now, enter your password.enter_your_facebook_password
  5. Now click Log In button.click_log_in_button

Done! yours successfully logged in to your Facebook account. Once you logged into your Facebook account. Then you can land on your Facebook homepage.your_facebook_account Where you can you can update your Facebook status, upload photos on Facebook, chat with friends and you can use a lot of more amazing Facebook features once you do www.facebook.com login.

By Sameer

I'm Sameer Bille, a blogger from Mumbai, India. I started MuchTech as a passion.Here at Much Tech I write about Tech Tips,Tricks and how to guide.

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